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All CMDs of Public Sector Banks
CMD of HDFC Bank
Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu Nepal.
The Defence Pension Disbursing Officers.
The Treasury officers.
The Pay and Accounts Office.
Pay and Accounts Office, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai.
The Post Master Kathua (J & K), Camp Bell Bay (Andaman &
Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations
of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of Pension of Pre
2006 Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners.
Reference:-GOI, MOD letter No. No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 and this Office Circulars No. 397 dated 18.11.2008, 398 dated 18.11.2008 and No. 401 dated 18.12.2008
Annexure – II of the Ministry of Defence letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D
(Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 which was modified/substituted vide Ministry of Defence letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.12.2008 is further substituted by enclosed Annexure II vide MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D
(Pen/Policy) dated 20.01.2009(copy enclosed), which is self explanatory.
In Annexure-III, Table - 2 of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008, the rate of
family pension in respect of Nb Subedar Group ’A’/’X’ and Subedar Group ’A’/’X’
Nb Sub Group “A”/”X”
Subedar Group “A”/”X’”
The words and figures “under Para 5.1” as appearing below the Table but
above the Notes of Annexure –I
(Pen/Services) dated 11.11.2008 may be deleted as it has no relevance to Para
5.(Para 5.1.not in existence)
It has come to the notice that some of the PDAs while consolidating the Pension/family pension under Annexure –I to MOD letter dated 11.11.2008 are
not stepping up the pension/family pension vide Annexure –II and Annexure-III
to MOD letter where it is beneficial than the pension under Annexure -I in
respect of the commissioned officers / PBOR. They are resorting only to the
consolidation of pension as per the Annexure –I. Such action on the part of the
PDAs, in particular to Banks, is not in accordance to the Government Orders,
leads to complaints from the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners and has been viewed
seriously by the Government as it is affecting the morale of the Ex Service men.
Detailed instructions in this regard already exist in Para 6 of this office circular
No. 397 dated 18.11.2008.
However, it is once again reiterated that the PDAs may invariably adhere
to the following steps while revising the pension/family pension with effect from
First, determine the basic pension from the records held and consolidate
as per Annexure –I to MOD letter No.17 (4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/services) dated
Thereafter check the pension so consolidated against the minimum
pension authorised under the protection clause as in Annexure – II in respect of
the commissioned officers and Annexure –III in respect of Personnel Below
Officers Rank with reference to rank last held and qualifying service. The
pension/family pension as per Annexure –II or Annexure-III as the case may be,
if beneficial, is to be paid with effect from 1.1.2006.
Lt General holding appointment of Army Commander and Vice Chief of the
Army Staff in Army and equivalent rank in Navy and Air Force were granted
higher rate of pension on their retirement after 1.3.1978.Pension Payment Order
(PPO) in their respect do/do not indicate the specific appointment they held on
the date of retirement. However, while revising their pension on implementation
of Fifth CPC, the Corrigendum PPO in each case indicate the appointment held by
the Lt General as Army Commander or Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS).PDAs
are therefore, requested to look into their records and revise the pension of
Army Commanders/VCOAS accordingly vide Annexure –I read with Annexure –II
to MOD letter 11.11.2008 as now substituted. Where the PDAs are not able to
locate the Corr PPO revising pension for Army Commander/VCOAS with effect
from 1.1.1996, in their record, the officer may be requested to provide his copy
of PPO(Photocopy may be retained by the Officer) and pension may be revised
and simultaneously the case may be referred to the Pension Sanctioning
authority concerned for confirmation of the revised rate of pension with effect
from 1.1.2006.
In Annexure-I of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008, consolidated rate of
pension for basic pension of above Rs. 13000/- but less than Rs. 15000/- have
not been indicated due to the fixed scale of pension. In cases where existing
pension is more than Rs. 13000/- the same shall be consolidated as per
provision of Para 4 of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008.
Further, in some cases the quantum of pension indicated in Annexure –III
to MOD’s letter No.17 (4)/2008(1)/ D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 as
circulated vide this office Circular No. 397 dated 18.11.2008 quoted under
reference, in respect of Naik and Havildar having less qualifying service than
their full terms of engagements plus admissible weightage works out to be less
as compared to the one shown for the rank of a Sepoy. This is due to higher
weightage of 10 years admissible to a Sepoy as compared to the rank of Naik
and Havildar, the admissible weightage for whom is comparatively less viz. 8
years and 6 years respectively. Therefore, where even if each of them have
rendered equal number of years of actual qualifying service, the qualifying
service for pension with weightage in the case of Sepoy will be more by 4 years
as compared to Havildar and by 2 years as compared to Naik. The prorata
reduction in the quantum of admissible pension will thus be more in the case of
Havildar by 4 years and 2 years for Naik as compared to the Sepoy even if they
render equal number of actual qualifying service.
It is further clarified that the said Annexure-III is not the ultimate
determinator for the entitlement of pension and in case the revised pension as
per Annexure –I to the MOD’s letter dated 11.11.2008 happens to be more
beneficial than the one indicted in the Annexure -III ibid, more beneficial
pension will be payable. However, in case the pension consolidated as per
Annexure –I read with para 4 of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008 is less than the
amount indicated in Annexure –III, the pension protection as indicated in these
tables will be given. The rate of pension in Annexure –III is protective and not
the entitlement.
Appendix ‘A’ of Circular No. 397 dated 18.11.2008 has been slightly
modified. Now the Pay Bands in respect of PBOR and Commissioned Officers
introduced in 6th CPC with effect from 1.1.2006 are also included in this
Appendix ‘A’ for information. The modified Appendix “A” is enclosed for
information of all concerned.
It is observed that during implementation of Ministry of Defence letter
dated 11.11.2008 (Circular NO 397 dated 18.11.2008), several queries are being
received from various corners.
Therefore,the following further clarifications/instructions are issued for the smooth implementation of Ministry of Defence letter on the subject:-
As per existing rule, pension of TS Naik/Hony NK and Hony Havildar is
Re 1/- less than pension admissible for NK and Havildar for the same length of
qualifying Service and group of pay in which he was last paid respectively. It is
therefore, clarified that the rate of pension shown in Annexure III (modified
parity of pension) may be reduced by Re 1/- while comparing revised pension for
TS Naik, Hony Naik and Hony Havildar between Annexure –I and Annexure-III –
Table 1.
Havildar granted Hony rank of Nb Subedar and retired prior to 1.1.96 are
drawing consolidated pension taking into account the additional pension of
Rs 100/- pm with effect from 1.1.1996 as per MOD letter dated 14.07.1998.The
scheme of improvement in pension of PBOR introduced with effect from 1.1.2006
vide MOD letter No.14 (3)/2004-D(Pen/Sers) –Vol –III dated 1.2.2006 and No.
14(3)/2004-D(Pen/Sers) –Vol V dated 2.5.2006 was not beneficial to Havildar
granted honorary rank of Naib Subedar. However, Havildar retired on or after
1.1.96 and granted Hony rank of Naib Subedar and who are in receipt of
additional pension of Rs 100/-pm with pension for Havildar, during revision of
their pension as per orders of Improvement of Pension of PBOR this additional
pension of Rs 100/- is included in RCP shown in table No.6, 18 and 24 of Circular
No.350 dated 19.5.2006. Thus the pension of Havildar granted Hony Nb Sub
whether retired prior to 1.1.96 or on or after 1.1.96, their revised pension as per
orders of Improvement in Pension of PBOR i.e. Circular No.350 may be
consolidated under Annexure –I of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008. Neither further
additional pension of Rs 100/- will be taken for consolidation in such cases nor
will it be paid further in addition to the consolidated as per Annexure I or
stepped up pension where rate of pension is beneficial in Annexure – III.
PBOR discharged prior to 1.6.1953 may be equated to PBOR of “Y” group
as there were no groups prior to 01.06.53. Therefore revised pension as in
Annexure –III in respect of those PBOR who retired prior to 01.06.53 may be
treated equivalent to Gp ‘Y’.
An Artificer rank of the Navy will be treated in Gp ‘X’ of that rank.
For the purpose of modified parity as per Annexure – III, Gp ‘V’ in Air
Force and Naval Aviation and Sub Marine Sailors other than those on Gp ‘A’ rate
of pay in Navy, will be treated as Gp ‘Y’ of that rank and service.
(vi) Certain ranks and their abbreviated form as indicated in the PPOs are
given in this office Circular No. 362 dated 01.02.2007.The alternative names as
well as connected abbreviation are given below:-
Rank Also Known As
Sepoy Craftsman(Cfn),Rifleman(Rfn),Sapper(Spr),Guardsman
(Gdsm),Signalman, Para Trooper (PTR), Recruit
(Rect),Gunner(GNR),Pioneer (PNR), Sowar (SWR),
Grenadier(GDR) etc Lance Naiks are also Sepoy.
Naik Lance Dafadar or NK or L/Dafadar
Havildar Dafadar, Hav, Dfr
Nb Subedar Jamadar
Subedar Risaldar
Subedar Major Risaldar Major
(vii) In cases where Armed Forces Officers/Personnel Below Officer Rank died
in service or retired and died later after 1.1.1999, in their case Ordinary Family
Pension at enhanced rate is payable to the family member. In such cases
enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension is to be consolidated under Annexure
–I only and be payable upto the period notified in the PPO.
All the Pension Disbursing Authorities are requested to intimate the
progress of consolidation/Revision of Pension/Family Pension as on 31.01.2009
in the enclosed proforma as Appendix “B”. In the case of Banks, the Paying
Branches of Bank shall render the progress report through their Link Branch /
Zonal Office (LHO in case of SBI). The Link Branches will consolidate the report
for the Paying Branches under their jurisdiction and Zonal Offices will consolidate
the progress report for the Link Branches under their control and submit the
report to the Shri D C Hansda, IDAS, Dy. CDA (P), Group Officer Audit
Section, Office of the PCDA (P), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad by
28.02.2009.Thereafter, progressive monthly report may please be
rendered by the end of the month to the nominated officer indicated
11. This circular has been uploaded on PCDA (P) website for disseminated across the defence pensioners
and PDAs.
No. Grants/Tech/0165-VIII
Dated: 02.02.2009
Jt. C.D.A. (P)
Copy to :-
Director General Re- Settlement
All Record Offices/Regiment. Corp.
Bureau of Sailors, Cheetah Camp, Mumbai.
Air Force Record, Dhaula Kunwa, Delhi Cantt.
Rajya Sainik Welfare and Re settlement Boards
Ex Servicemen league.
All Defence Pensioners Associations.
As the pensioners/family pensioners might not be aware about the precise reasons
leading to the stated variation in the quantum of pension as shown in Annexure –III in the case of Naik and Havildar vis a vis Sepoy. It is requested that the position as brought out in Para 7 above may be suitably explained to the Naik/Havildar pensioners. It may be clarified to them that the said Annexure – III is not the ultimate determinator for the entitlement of pension and in case the revised pension as per Annexure –I to MOD letter dated 11.11.2008
happens to be more beneficial than the one indicated in Annexure –III ibid, more beneficial pension will be payable.
Consequent upon the implementation of recommendations of Sixth CPC, the
enhanced rate of ordinary family pension shall now be payable for a period of ten years, without any upper age limit from the date following the date of death of the personnel, to the family of a personnel who dies in service. These provisions will, however, not apply in cases where the period of seven years for payment of enhanced family pension has already been completed as on 01.01.2006 and the family was in receipt of normal rate of ordinary family pension on that date. There will be no change in the period for payment of enhanced family pension to the family in the case of death of a pensioner i.e. 7 years from the date of
death or till attaining the age 67 years whichever is earlier. Where, however family pensioner
was in receipt of Enhanced rate of Ordinary Family pension on or after 01.01.2006
consequent upon death of Armed Forces Personnel in service he/ she may be advised to
contact his/ her Record Office in the case of a PBOR and CDA (O) in the case of officers to
refer his/her case for enhancement of period of payment by 3 years through a Corrigendum
PPO to his/her Pension Disbursing Authority.
The Dy. Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of PPG & P (Deptt. of P & PW), Lok Nayak
Bhawan, New Delhi.
9 Director (Pensions), Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence D(Pen/Sers), Sena Bhawan,
Wing ‘A’ New Delhi.
10. Army HQrs AG’s Branch, PS-4(b) DHQ, PO New Delhi – 110011.
11. AHQ GS Branch, TA Directorate, DHQ PO New Delhi – 110011.
12. Naval HQrs, PP & A, DHQ PO New Delhi.
13. DPA, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi – 11.
14. Air HQrs Ad PP & P – 3, West Block-VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066.
15. Shri A. K. JENA, IDAS, Dy. CGDA(AT-II), O/O the CGDA, West Block-V, R. K.
Puram, New Delhi – 110066.
16. PCDA(Navy) No.-1, Cooperage Road, Mumbai – 400039.
17. CDA(AF), West Block-V, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066.
18. JCDA(AG) Subroto Park, New Delhi – 110010.
19. Director of Audit, Defence Service, New Delhi
20. All Addl CsDA/Jt. CsDA in Main Office.
21. All GOs in Main Office.
22. The OI/C, G-1(M), AT(ORs)-Tech. & G-1/Civil (Tech.)
23. All SAOs/AOs/AAOs/SOs(A) in Gts/Ors Complex.
24. The OI/C, EDP Manual.
25. The OI/C, EDP Centre.
26. Defence Pension Liaison Cell.
27. All Sections in Main Office.
28. Spare copies in file No. Gts/Tech/0148, 148, 0162 & 0158
29. OIC,G -2 Section
30. OI/C, G - 3 Section.
31. OI/C, G - 4 Section.
32. OI/C Grants Revision Cell
33. OI/C O & M Cell
34. OI/C Complaint Cell
35. The OI/C, Reception Centre
36. The OI/C, EDP Centre (Website)
37. The OI/C, DPTI
38. Spare
Jt. C.D.A. (P)
No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, Dated: 20th January, 2009.
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
The undersigned is directed to refer to Annexure-II to this Ministry’s letter No.
17(4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 as amended vide this Ministry’s letter
of even number dated 11.12.2008 on the above subject matter and to state that in
the said Annexure-II, pension and family pension in respect of Colonel & Brigadier is
higher than that of Major Generals and Lt. Generals due to non inclusion of the
element of Military Service Pay (MSP) in the case of Maj. Generals and Lt. Generals.
This anomaly has been reviewed and it has been decided that keeping in view the
fact that Colonel/Brigadier have been placed in PB-4 and MSP of Rs. 6,000/- is
reckoned in their case for the purpose of stepping up of the pension/family pension,
the pension of Maj. Generals/Lt. Generals may also be regulated under Para 5 of the
Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 11.11.2008 so as to ensure that consolidated
pension is not lower than 50% of the minimum of the PB-4 (Rs. 37,400/-) plus grade
pay of Rs. 10,000/- plus notional MSP of Rs. 6,000/- in the case of Maj. Generals &
equivalent and not lower than 50% of the minimum of PB-4 (Rs. 37,400/-) plus grade
pay of Rs. 12,000/- plus notional MSP of Rs. 6,000/- in the case of Lt. Generals &
equivalent, where the pensioners have full qualifying service including weightage.
Hence, for the purpose of stepping up, the pension of Pre-1.1.2006 retirees with
qualifying service of 33 years will be Rs. 26,700/- in the case of Maj. Generals &
equivalent and Rs. 27,700/- in the case of Lt. Generals & equivalent. Pension to
those Commissioned officers retired with qualifying service including weightage of
less than 33 years, will continue to be proportionate to the full pension based on their actual qualifying service with weightage.
The stepped up family pension would also accordingly be Rs. 16,020/- for
families of Maj. Generals & equivalent and Rs. 16,620/- for families of Lt. Generals & equivalent.
A revised table to the above effect is enclosed as Annexure-II to this letter in
substitution of the Annexure-II (Revised)) to this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 11.12.2008.
The following amendment in Annexure-III, Table-2 : Family Pension, is also
“The rate of Family Pension in respect of Nb Subedar “A”/”X” and Subedar
“A”/”X” may be amended to read as “5070” and “5190” for 5570 and 5490
5. All other entries remain unchanged.
6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide
their UO No. 157/DFA(P) dated 20.1.2009.
7.Hindi version will follow.
Copy to:
As per standard distribution list.
Pension Website Must for Pensioners..Click me
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Educational Concessions
Children of Defence personnel killed or disabled in action, including casualties of OP PAWAN and MEGHDOOT, who are studying in educational institutions under the Department of Education are entitled to the following educational concessions (Authority : AG's Branch, Army HQ letter No.56268/Policy/AG/ CW 3(b) dated 17 Aug 90 and Ministry of Human Resources Development (Dept. of Education) letter No.F.14-1/94-School-1 dated 10 Nov 95) :
(a) Complete exemption from tuition fee and other fees levied by the educational institution concerned,
(b) Grants to meet hostel charges in full for those studying in Boarding Schools and Colleges.
(c) Full cost of books and stationery.
(d) Full cost of uniform where this is compulsory.
The above concessions would be available up to and inclusive of the first Degree Course. If any entitled child is, however studying in a Post Graduate Course, the concession would be admissible to him also.
The educational concession is also applicable to the following:
(a) Children of Officers and Personnel below officers rank (PBOR) who have been declared missing
for a period of six months or till the date of return of the missing officer or PBOR, whichever is
(b) Children of prisoners of war.
(c) Widows of officers and men of Armed Forces including Para military personnel killed during Indo
Pak conflict of 1971.
(d) Children of war widow would continue to get the educational concession even if she re-marries.
Admission into Professional Colleges
Medical and Engineering. Around 28 seats in MBBS and one seat in BDS and 2 seats in Engineering College at Annamalai University are available through KSB for wives/widows and wards of categories of Defence personnel in the following order of priority:
(a) Killed in action.
(b) Disabled in action and boarded out from service.
(c) Died while in service with death attributable to military service.
(d) Disabled in service and boarded out with disability attributable to military service.
(e) Gallantry Award/Other Award Winners.
Reservation of seats in IITs. A joint entrance examination is conducted every year by the six IITs for admission to the IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Banaras Hindu University Institute of Technology. Two seats in each of the above six institutes are reserved for children of the Defence/Para Military Force Personnel killed or permanently disabled in action. Such candidates are however, required to qualify in the joint entrance examination.
Reservation in Sainik and Military Schools.
(a) Sainik Schools. 25 percent seats for serving and ex Services personnel.
(b) Military Schools. Reservation of seats for wards of JCOs/ORs: 67 percent & Officers: 20 percent.
Reservation of seats in professional colleges for ex Servicemen and serving personnel granted by States/UTs are covered in the later chapters under each State/UT.
Accommodation in War Memorial Hostels
35 War Memorial Hostels have already been constructed in various Regimental Centres. These hostels provide accommodation to wards of war bereaved, disabled and attributable/non attributable peace time casualties to enable them to pursue their studies. KSB provides Rs.600/ p.m., education grant for each child except in respect of non attributable cases where the grant is Rs.300/ p.m,.
Entitlement for Medical Treatment from Service Hospitals for ex Service Pensioners and their Families
Ex Service pensioners and their families are entitled to medical treatment from service hospitals under provision of Para 296(O) of RMSAP 1983. The pensioners/widows are required to produce a non employment certificate at the hospital to ensure proper recovery of hospital stoppages vide DGAFMS letter No.1630/ DGAFMS/ DG3A dated 08 Oct 86.
This entitlement card has come into effect from 01 Jan 94.
All ex Service pensioners/widows are advised to get the entitlement card made through Zila/Rajya Sainik Boards.
Medical Benefits for ex Servicemen/Widows and Dependents
Through Service Hospitals and Medical Establishments. Ex Servicemen, their families and families of deceased service personnel drawing pension of any kind are entitled to free out patient treatment at Military Hospitals. These personnel can also be provided in patient treatment in such hospitals subject to certain conditions. 24 MI Rooms and 12 Dental Centres have been created from the funds provided by the Service HQs and KSB for providing medical facilities to ex Servicemen pensioners and their dependents. The location of these MI Rooms and Dental Centres are given as under:
MI Rooms Dental Centres
(a) Large Hospitals
(i) Base Hospital, Delhi (3) Delhi Cantt.
(ii) CH, Chandimandir Chandimandir (1)
(iii) MH, Jalandhar Jalandhar (1)
(iv) MH, Ambala Ambala (1)
(v) 159 GH, Ferozpur
(vi) MH, Amritsar
(vii) 166 MH, Jammu
(viii) 167 MH, Pathankot
(ix) BH, Lucknow Lucknow (1)
(x) MH, Dehradun
(xi) BH, Barrackpore
(xii) CH (EC), Kolkatta Kolkata (1)
(xiii) MH, Jodhpur
(xiv) MH, Agra Cantt
(xv) CH (SC), Pune Pune (1)
(xvi) INHS Asvini, Mumbai Mumbai (1)
(xvii) AF Hospital, Bangalore Bangalore (1)
(xviii) INHS Sanjeevani, Cochin
(b) Small Hospitals
(i) MH, Chennai
(ii) MH, Secunderabad
(iii) MH, Jaipur
(iv) MH, Aurangabad
(v) MH, Dharamshala
(vi) MH, Faizabad
(vii) Trivandrum (1) -
Through State Government Hospitals. Ex-Servicemen can also avail medical treatment from their State Govt. Hospitals as normal State citizens.
Financial Assistance for Medical Treatment
(a) All Ex Servicemen suffering from serious diseases are given financial assistance for treatment in civil hospitals in case they cannot be treated in Military Hospitals and have not availed similar assistance from other sources. These are :
(i) By pass surgery 90% and 75% of the authorised expenditure in case of JCOs/ORs and Officers respectively.
(ii) Angiography -do-
(iii) Kidney/Renal transplant -do-
(iv) Cancer/spastic Paraplegic -do-
(restricted to Rs. 75,000/- per annum)
(v) Coronary Artery Surgery/Angioplasty -do-
(vi) Open Heart Surgery/Valve replacement -do-
(vii) Pace Maker implant -do-
(viii) Stroke -do-
(ix) Arterial Surgery -do-
(x) Prostate Surgery -do-
(xi) Total Joint Replacement -do-
xii) Dialysis -do- (restricted to Rs 75,000/- per annum)
(b) Procedure for Application. Financial assistance for medical treatment for serious diseases mentioned in para (a) above to ex Servicemen and their dependents is available from the Kendriya Sainik Board. For this purpose the individual has to apply to the Secretary, KSB, West Block 4, R K Puram, New Delhi 110 066 through his Zila/Rajya Sainik Board with the following documents:
(i) Original cash receipts in support of medicines purchased for the treatment/operation duly countersigned by the hospital authorities.
(ii) Photocopy of Hospital's discharge slip/prescription slip.
(iii) If the case was referred by Military Hospital, a copy of the Military Hospital's letter referring the case to Civil Hospital.
(iv) The details of financial assistance, if any, received.
(v) If re employed, the details of Medical facilities being provided by the employer.
(vi) If also a civil pensioner, the details of the medical facilities being provided by the Civil authorities to their pensioners.
(vii) Photocopy of discharge book/ex Servicemen Identity Card/ and MBS of AGIF Card.
(i) KSB has tied up with different specialised hospitals in the country for direct payment of 90 percent and 75 percent of the stipulated amount on account of treatment of JCOs/ORs & Officers respectively. For the purpose, letter issued by KSB is required to be sent by the ESM to the concerned Hospital.
(ii) Those ex-Servicemen who have been members of AGI/AFGI Medical Benefit Scheme and have already availed financial benefits from them are considered for financial assistance from Kendriya Sainik Board if they go in for subsequent treatment of serious disease and are not eligible for availing AGI/AFGI benefits for any further financial assistance.
Rail Travel Concession. Govt. of India have announced free rail travel in I Class/II AC Class to the recipients of PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, Kirti Chakra, VrC and Shourya Chakra and the widows of posthumous winners of these Gallantry Awards along with a companion. (Ministry of Railways letter No. E(W)96PS 5 6/22 dated 23 Feb 96.)
75 percent concession in rail fare for travel in II Class is available to war widows including those of IPKF and Kargil casualties. This concession can be availed on production of the I Card issued by the KSB.
Air Travel Concession. Following categories of personnel are eligible to 50 percent concession in fare for air travel in domestic flights of the Indian Airlines:
(a) Recipients of Gallantry Awards of Class I & Class II viz., PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, and Kirti Chakra.
(b) Permanently war disabled officers who have been invalidated out of service and the dependent members of their families.
(c) War widows of post Independence era.
Canteen Facilities. In accordance with Army Order AO 32/84, Ex Servicemen and their families and ex-Defence personnel with minimum 5 years of service are entitled to CSD (I) Canteen facilities available in units/establishments. Cadets/Recruits boarded out on medical grounds are also entitled to avail CSD facilities. In addition, the following categories of TA personnel are entitled to canteen facilities after their retirement:
(a) Pension holders for continuous embodied service.
(b) Persons with disability attributable to Military Service.
(c) Gallantry Award Winners.
The following categories of subscribers are exempted from payment of Registration Charges and installation charges for priority telephones connection under Non-OYT/Special Category and are entitled to 50 percent concession in normal rental charges. However, Gallantry Award winners are entitled to full concession in normal rental charges. (Authority : Ministry of Communications (Deptt. of Telecom Services) letter No. 2-47/92-PHA dated 19 Mar 93, circular NO 7/2000 dated 13 Jun 2000 and 2.47/92 PHA dt 18 Sep 2000):-
(a) Gallantry Award Winners in the three Services (PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, KC, VrC & SC).
(b) War widows.
(c) Disabled soldiers.
Grant for Construction/Repair of Houses. 50 percent of the grant, paid to War Widows, War Disabled by the State Govt.s for construction/repair of houses is reimbursed by the KSB subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/ (KSB letter No.105 SB(7)/EC/91/KSB/D dated 16 Nov 92).
Grant for Marriage of Daughters of War Widow/War Disabled. Kendriya Sainik Board gives a grant of Rs.8,000/ for the marriage of daughters of a war widow or war disabled ex Servicemen whose disability is more than 50 percent
The following cases of financial assistance from RMDF are considered by KSB:-
(a) Assistance to old infirm Ex-Servicemen/ widows of ESM Rs 1000/- p.m. for two years.
(b) Marriage of daughter Ex-Servicemen/ widows in penury Rs 8,000/-.
(c) Repair of house for ESM/Widows in penury. Rs 10,000/-
(d) Medical treatment Depending on the nature and gravity of ailment Subject to a maximum of Rs 15,000/-
(e) Education of children of ESM/ widows in penury Rs 100/- p.m. per child for max of three children up to XII class.
(f) Other cases in respect of ESM/widows in penury. like natural calamities, accidental or where feels that the case deserves sympathetic consideration) No single transaction to exceed Rs 15, 000/-
Note : The cases of financial assistance from RMDF are submitted by the
concerned Zila/Rajya Sainik Boards to KSB.
Cases where family pension claims have been rejected or where disability is neither attributable nor aggravated by military service are given the following types of grants by the DMACP:
(a) Educational allowance Rs 25/ p.m. up to three children of ex Servicemen who were enrolled prior to 01 Jan 85. For personnel enrolled on or after 01 Jan 85, the grant is admissible to only two children. The maximum amount of educational grant is, however, restricted to Rs. 3,000/ .
(b) A lump sum grant up to Rs. 2,000/ to aged parents of the deceased ex Servicemen.
(c) Cost of sewing machine to the wife of deceased/ disabled ex Servicemen.
(d) A one time grant of Rs 1,000/ for daughter's marriage.
Appeals for financial assistance on rejection of pension claims should be made to the Defence Minister's Appellate Committee on pension within six months of rejection of the claim. The appeals are considered by the Committee based on merits of each case and the financial assistance granted which is, subsequently, paid by the Kendriya Sainik Board through the concerned Rajya/Zila Sainik Board.
Ex gratia allowance to Burma Army Pensioners. Burma Army Pensioners who are Indian Nationals and are drawing their pension in India are given ex gratia allowance so as to raise their existing pension and relief drawn thereon to Rs 1275/ per month w.e.f 01 Nov 97. This allowance would be admissible to the families of such pensioners in the event of their death.
Tool Kit for ex Servicemen Technicians. Out of Armed Forces Flag Day Fund, tool kits are provided, amount not exceeding Rs.2,000/ , provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) The ex Serviceman hold the qualification to utilise the tool kit.
(b) The ex Serviceman has the appropriate infrastructure to set up for himself the proposed trade. (KSB letter No.105 SB(7)/EC/91/KSB/D dated 16 Nov 92)
Reimbursement of Interest by way of subsidy on loan taken from Bank for construction of House to war bereaved, war disabled and attributable peace time casualties and their dependents. There is a scheme for re imbursement of interest subsidy on loan taken from Banks by war bereaved, war disabled, attributable peace time casualties and their dependents for construction of houses with the following conditions:
(a) The upper limit is Rs.10,000/ for eligibility of grant of interest subsidy, even though the loan taken may be of a higher amount.
(b) Apart from the Banks, loan taken from reputed organisations in Government/Public Sector Undertakings, LIC. GIC and HUDCO except private organisations are also made eligible for the grant of interest subsidy subject to the condition that the loan given by these organisations are based on genuineness of the requirement and the repaying capacity of the individual.
(c) The rates of the interest subsidy and the period for re payment of loan is as under:
(i) The subsidy will be paid up to a maximum period of five years or the date of final repayment of loan whichever is earlier.
(ii) 50 percent of the interest charges by the Banks or Govt. of Public Sector including LIC, GIC and HUDCO would be reimbursed as interest subsidy.
Sainik Rest House Facility
To facilitate short stay of ex Servicemen during their visit to District HQs in connection with settlement of their pensionary claims, for medical treatment, litigation, etc. a number of Sainik Rest Houses have been established all over the country. At present, there are 243 Sainik Rest Houses in the country. For details of Sainik Rest Houses click here. After Care of ex Servicemen/their dependents for Leprosy/TB etc. in the Cheshire Homes.
Kendriya Sainik Board is providing grants to Cheshire Homes/Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre/QMTI so that the ex Servicemen/their dependents inmates are looked after by them. At present the following Cheshire Homes/Centres are being given grants:
(a) Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre, Dehradun.
(b) Cheshire Home, Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Cheshire Home, Delhi
(d) Cheshire Home, Lucknow
(e) Cheshire Home, Vellore
(f) Cheshire Home, Bangalore (g) QMTI, Pune
Grant in Aid in respect of Welfare Services undertaken by the Indian Red Cross Society
Annual grant is provided to the Indian Red Cross Society for welfare Services provided by the Society to sick and wounded Servicemen/ex Servicemen in the Armed Forces Hospitals.
Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen Welfare Organisation
Kendriya Sainik Board provides grants to Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen Welfare Association, Dehradun to look after the welfare of Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen and their families.
Rehabilitation Centres/Training cum Production Centres for Widows of Defence Personnel
There are 18 Rehabilitation Centres/Training Centres/ Training cum Production Centres/Vocational Centres. These Centres provide Training Courses in Tailoring, Knitting, Stitching, Typing, Sewing, Stenography, Computer Programming, etc. For details of the location of Rehabilitation Centers click here.
Hostels for War Widows/Widows of Defence Personnel
Kendriya Sainik Board shares expenditure on 50 percent basis of the cost of the construction and thereafter the maintenance of Widows Hostels and Old Age Homes. These Hostels/Homes are at Bihar (Albert Eeka Memorial Complex, Patna), J&K (Jammu), Maharashtra (Naval War Memorial Hostel at Mumbai for Naval War Widows), Madhya Pradesh (Mahar Regimental Centre, Saugor and J&K Rifles Regimental Centre, Jabalpur), Meghalaya (Assam Regimental Centre, Shillong), Uttar Pradesh (Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, Lansdowne, Kumaon Regimental Centre, Ranikhet, Rajput Regimental Centre, Fatehgarh and AMC Centre & School, Lucknow), Delhi (War Widow Home Capacity for 30 inmates located at 18/1, Aruna Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi 110057) and Tamil Nadu (War Widows Home, Chennai 600 004).
Posted by Indian ExServicemen Movement at 12:55
Educational Concessions
Children of Defence personnel killed or disabled in action, including casualties of OP PAWAN and MEGHDOOT, who are studying in educational institutions under the Department of Education are entitled to the following educational concessions (Authority : AG's Branch, Army HQ letter No.56268/Policy/AG/ CW 3(b) dated 17 Aug 90 and Ministry of Human Resources Development (Dept. of Education) letter No.F.14-1/94-School-1 dated 10 Nov 95) :
(a) Complete exemption from tuition fee and other fees levied by the educational institution concerned,
(b) Grants to meet hostel charges in full for those studying in Boarding Schools and Colleges.
(c) Full cost of books and stationery.
(d) Full cost of uniform where this is compulsory.
The above concessions would be available up to and inclusive of the first Degree Course. If any entitled child is, however studying in a Post Graduate Course, the concession would be admissible to him also.
The educational concession is also applicable to the following:
(a) Children of Officers and Personnel below officers rank (PBOR) who have been declared missing
for a period of six months or till the date of return of the missing officer or PBOR, whichever is
(b) Children of prisoners of war.
(c) Widows of officers and men of Armed Forces including Para military personnel killed during Indo
Pak conflict of 1971.
(d) Children of war widow would continue to get the educational concession even if she re-marries.
Admission into Professional Colleges
Medical and Engineering. Around 28 seats in MBBS and one seat in BDS and 2 seats in Engineering College at Annamalai University are available through KSB for wives/widows and wards of categories of Defence personnel in the following order of priority:
(a) Killed in action.
(b) Disabled in action and boarded out from service.
(c) Died while in service with death attributable to military service.
(d) Disabled in service and boarded out with disability attributable to military service.
(e) Gallantry Award/Other Award Winners.
Reservation of seats in IITs. A joint entrance examination is conducted every year by the six IITs for admission to the IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Banaras Hindu University Institute of Technology. Two seats in each of the above six institutes are reserved for children of the Defence/Para Military Force Personnel killed or permanently disabled in action. Such candidates are however, required to qualify in the joint entrance examination.
Reservation in Sainik and Military Schools.
(a) Sainik Schools. 25 percent seats for serving and ex Services personnel.
(b) Military Schools. Reservation of seats for wards of JCOs/ORs: 67 percent & Officers: 20 percent.
Reservation of seats in professional colleges for ex Servicemen and serving personnel granted by States/UTs are covered in the later chapters under each State/UT.
Accommodation in War Memorial Hostels
35 War Memorial Hostels have already been constructed in various Regimental Centres. These hostels provide accommodation to wards of war bereaved, disabled and attributable/non attributable peace time casualties to enable them to pursue their studies. KSB provides Rs.600/ p.m., education grant for each child except in respect of non attributable cases where the grant is Rs.300/ p.m,.
Entitlement for Medical Treatment from Service Hospitals for ex Service Pensioners and their Families
Ex Service pensioners and their families are entitled to medical treatment from service hospitals under provision of Para 296(O) of RMSAP 1983. The pensioners/widows are required to produce a non employment certificate at the hospital to ensure proper recovery of hospital stoppages vide DGAFMS letter No.1630/ DGAFMS/ DG3A dated 08 Oct 86.
This entitlement card has come into effect from 01 Jan 94.
All ex Service pensioners/widows are advised to get the entitlement card made through Zila/Rajya Sainik Boards.
Medical Benefits for ex Servicemen/Widows and Dependents
Through Service Hospitals and Medical Establishments. Ex Servicemen, their families and families of deceased service personnel drawing pension of any kind are entitled to free out patient treatment at Military Hospitals. These personnel can also be provided in patient treatment in such hospitals subject to certain conditions. 24 MI Rooms and 12 Dental Centres have been created from the funds provided by the Service HQs and KSB for providing medical facilities to ex Servicemen pensioners and their dependents. The location of these MI Rooms and Dental Centres are given as under:
MI Rooms Dental Centres
(a) Large Hospitals
(i) Base Hospital, Delhi (3) Delhi Cantt.
(ii) CH, Chandimandir Chandimandir (1)
(iii) MH, Jalandhar Jalandhar (1)
(iv) MH, Ambala Ambala (1)
(v) 159 GH, Ferozpur
(vi) MH, Amritsar
(vii) 166 MH, Jammu
(viii) 167 MH, Pathankot
(ix) BH, Lucknow Lucknow (1)
(x) MH, Dehradun
(xi) BH, Barrackpore
(xii) CH (EC), Kolkatta Kolkata (1)
(xiii) MH, Jodhpur
(xiv) MH, Agra Cantt
(xv) CH (SC), Pune Pune (1)
(xvi) INHS Asvini, Mumbai Mumbai (1)
(xvii) AF Hospital, Bangalore Bangalore (1)
(xviii) INHS Sanjeevani, Cochin
(b) Small Hospitals
(i) MH, Chennai
(ii) MH, Secunderabad
(iii) MH, Jaipur
(iv) MH, Aurangabad
(v) MH, Dharamshala
(vi) MH, Faizabad
(vii) Trivandrum (1) -
Through State Government Hospitals. Ex-Servicemen can also avail medical treatment from their State Govt. Hospitals as normal State citizens.
Financial Assistance for Medical Treatment
(a) All Ex Servicemen suffering from serious diseases are given financial assistance for treatment in civil hospitals in case they cannot be treated in Military Hospitals and have not availed similar assistance from other sources. These are :
(i) By pass surgery 90% and 75% of the authorised expenditure in case of JCOs/ORs and Officers respectively.
(ii) Angiography -do-
(iii) Kidney/Renal transplant -do-
(iv) Cancer/spastic Paraplegic -do-
(restricted to Rs. 75,000/- per annum)
(v) Coronary Artery Surgery/Angioplasty -do-
(vi) Open Heart Surgery/Valve replacement -do-
(vii) Pace Maker implant -do-
(viii) Stroke -do-
(ix) Arterial Surgery -do-
(x) Prostate Surgery -do-
(xi) Total Joint Replacement -do-
xii) Dialysis -do- (restricted to Rs 75,000/- per annum)
(b) Procedure for Application. Financial assistance for medical treatment for serious diseases mentioned in para (a) above to ex Servicemen and their dependents is available from the Kendriya Sainik Board. For this purpose the individual has to apply to the Secretary, KSB, West Block 4, R K Puram, New Delhi 110 066 through his Zila/Rajya Sainik Board with the following documents:
(i) Original cash receipts in support of medicines purchased for the treatment/operation duly countersigned by the hospital authorities.
(ii) Photocopy of Hospital's discharge slip/prescription slip.
(iii) If the case was referred by Military Hospital, a copy of the Military Hospital's letter referring the case to Civil Hospital.
(iv) The details of financial assistance, if any, received.
(v) If re employed, the details of Medical facilities being provided by the employer.
(vi) If also a civil pensioner, the details of the medical facilities being provided by the Civil authorities to their pensioners.
(vii) Photocopy of discharge book/ex Servicemen Identity Card/ and MBS of AGIF Card.
(i) KSB has tied up with different specialised hospitals in the country for direct payment of 90 percent and 75 percent of the stipulated amount on account of treatment of JCOs/ORs & Officers respectively. For the purpose, letter issued by KSB is required to be sent by the ESM to the concerned Hospital.
(ii) Those ex-Servicemen who have been members of AGI/AFGI Medical Benefit Scheme and have already availed financial benefits from them are considered for financial assistance from Kendriya Sainik Board if they go in for subsequent treatment of serious disease and are not eligible for availing AGI/AFGI benefits for any further financial assistance.
Rail Travel Concession. Govt. of India have announced free rail travel in I Class/II AC Class to the recipients of PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, Kirti Chakra, VrC and Shourya Chakra and the widows of posthumous winners of these Gallantry Awards along with a companion. (Ministry of Railways letter No. E(W)96PS 5 6/22 dated 23 Feb 96.)
75 percent concession in rail fare for travel in II Class is available to war widows including those of IPKF and Kargil casualties. This concession can be availed on production of the I Card issued by the KSB.
Air Travel Concession. Following categories of personnel are eligible to 50 percent concession in fare for air travel in domestic flights of the Indian Airlines:
(a) Recipients of Gallantry Awards of Class I & Class II viz., PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, and Kirti Chakra.
(b) Permanently war disabled officers who have been invalidated out of service and the dependent members of their families.
(c) War widows of post Independence era.
Canteen Facilities. In accordance with Army Order AO 32/84, Ex Servicemen and their families and ex-Defence personnel with minimum 5 years of service are entitled to CSD (I) Canteen facilities available in units/establishments. Cadets/Recruits boarded out on medical grounds are also entitled to avail CSD facilities. In addition, the following categories of TA personnel are entitled to canteen facilities after their retirement:
(a) Pension holders for continuous embodied service.
(b) Persons with disability attributable to Military Service.
(c) Gallantry Award Winners.
The following categories of subscribers are exempted from payment of Registration Charges and installation charges for priority telephones connection under Non-OYT/Special Category and are entitled to 50 percent concession in normal rental charges. However, Gallantry Award winners are entitled to full concession in normal rental charges. (Authority : Ministry of Communications (Deptt. of Telecom Services) letter No. 2-47/92-PHA dated 19 Mar 93, circular NO 7/2000 dated 13 Jun 2000 and 2.47/92 PHA dt 18 Sep 2000):-
(a) Gallantry Award Winners in the three Services (PVC, Ashok Chakra, MVC, KC, VrC & SC).
(b) War widows.
(c) Disabled soldiers.
Grant for Construction/Repair of Houses. 50 percent of the grant, paid to War Widows, War Disabled by the State Govt.s for construction/repair of houses is reimbursed by the KSB subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/ (KSB letter No.105 SB(7)/EC/91/KSB/D dated 16 Nov 92).
Grant for Marriage of Daughters of War Widow/War Disabled. Kendriya Sainik Board gives a grant of Rs.8,000/ for the marriage of daughters of a war widow or war disabled ex Servicemen whose disability is more than 50 percent
The following cases of financial assistance from RMDF are considered by KSB:-
(a) Assistance to old infirm Ex-Servicemen/ widows of ESM Rs 1000/- p.m. for two years.
(b) Marriage of daughter Ex-Servicemen/ widows in penury Rs 8,000/-.
(c) Repair of house for ESM/Widows in penury. Rs 10,000/-
(d) Medical treatment Depending on the nature and gravity of ailment Subject to a maximum of Rs 15,000/-
(e) Education of children of ESM/ widows in penury Rs 100/- p.m. per child for max of three children up to XII class.
(f) Other cases in respect of ESM/widows in penury. like natural calamities, accidental or where feels that the case deserves sympathetic consideration) No single transaction to exceed Rs 15, 000/-
Note : The cases of financial assistance from RMDF are submitted by the
concerned Zila/Rajya Sainik Boards to KSB.
Cases where family pension claims have been rejected or where disability is neither attributable nor aggravated by military service are given the following types of grants by the DMACP:
(a) Educational allowance Rs 25/ p.m. up to three children of ex Servicemen who were enrolled prior to 01 Jan 85. For personnel enrolled on or after 01 Jan 85, the grant is admissible to only two children. The maximum amount of educational grant is, however, restricted to Rs. 3,000/ .
(b) A lump sum grant up to Rs. 2,000/ to aged parents of the deceased ex Servicemen.
(c) Cost of sewing machine to the wife of deceased/ disabled ex Servicemen.
(d) A one time grant of Rs 1,000/ for daughter's marriage.
Appeals for financial assistance on rejection of pension claims should be made to the Defence Minister's Appellate Committee on pension within six months of rejection of the claim. The appeals are considered by the Committee based on merits of each case and the financial assistance granted which is, subsequently, paid by the Kendriya Sainik Board through the concerned Rajya/Zila Sainik Board.
Ex gratia allowance to Burma Army Pensioners. Burma Army Pensioners who are Indian Nationals and are drawing their pension in India are given ex gratia allowance so as to raise their existing pension and relief drawn thereon to Rs 1275/ per month w.e.f 01 Nov 97. This allowance would be admissible to the families of such pensioners in the event of their death.
Tool Kit for ex Servicemen Technicians. Out of Armed Forces Flag Day Fund, tool kits are provided, amount not exceeding Rs.2,000/ , provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
(a) The ex Serviceman hold the qualification to utilise the tool kit.
(b) The ex Serviceman has the appropriate infrastructure to set up for himself the proposed trade. (KSB letter No.105 SB(7)/EC/91/KSB/D dated 16 Nov 92)
Reimbursement of Interest by way of subsidy on loan taken from Bank for construction of House to war bereaved, war disabled and attributable peace time casualties and their dependents. There is a scheme for re imbursement of interest subsidy on loan taken from Banks by war bereaved, war disabled, attributable peace time casualties and their dependents for construction of houses with the following conditions:
(a) The upper limit is Rs.10,000/ for eligibility of grant of interest subsidy, even though the loan taken may be of a higher amount.
(b) Apart from the Banks, loan taken from reputed organisations in Government/Public Sector Undertakings, LIC. GIC and HUDCO except private organisations are also made eligible for the grant of interest subsidy subject to the condition that the loan given by these organisations are based on genuineness of the requirement and the repaying capacity of the individual.
(c) The rates of the interest subsidy and the period for re payment of loan is as under:
(i) The subsidy will be paid up to a maximum period of five years or the date of final repayment of loan whichever is earlier.
(ii) 50 percent of the interest charges by the Banks or Govt. of Public Sector including LIC, GIC and HUDCO would be reimbursed as interest subsidy.
Sainik Rest House Facility
To facilitate short stay of ex Servicemen during their visit to District HQs in connection with settlement of their pensionary claims, for medical treatment, litigation, etc. a number of Sainik Rest Houses have been established all over the country. At present, there are 243 Sainik Rest Houses in the country. For details of Sainik Rest Houses click here. After Care of ex Servicemen/their dependents for Leprosy/TB etc. in the Cheshire Homes.
Kendriya Sainik Board is providing grants to Cheshire Homes/Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre/QMTI so that the ex Servicemen/their dependents inmates are looked after by them. At present the following Cheshire Homes/Centres are being given grants:
(a) Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre, Dehradun.
(b) Cheshire Home, Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Cheshire Home, Delhi
(d) Cheshire Home, Lucknow
(e) Cheshire Home, Vellore
(f) Cheshire Home, Bangalore (g) QMTI, Pune
Grant in Aid in respect of Welfare Services undertaken by the Indian Red Cross Society
Annual grant is provided to the Indian Red Cross Society for welfare Services provided by the Society to sick and wounded Servicemen/ex Servicemen in the Armed Forces Hospitals.
Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen Welfare Organisation
Kendriya Sainik Board provides grants to Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen Welfare Association, Dehradun to look after the welfare of Indian Gorkha Ex Servicemen and their families.
Rehabilitation Centres/Training cum Production Centres for Widows of Defence Personnel
There are 18 Rehabilitation Centres/Training Centres/ Training cum Production Centres/Vocational Centres. These Centres provide Training Courses in Tailoring, Knitting, Stitching, Typing, Sewing, Stenography, Computer Programming, etc. For details of the location of Rehabilitation Centers click here.
Hostels for War Widows/Widows of Defence Personnel
Kendriya Sainik Board shares expenditure on 50 percent basis of the cost of the construction and thereafter the maintenance of Widows Hostels and Old Age Homes. These Hostels/Homes are at Bihar (Albert Eeka Memorial Complex, Patna), J&K (Jammu), Maharashtra (Naval War Memorial Hostel at Mumbai for Naval War Widows), Madhya Pradesh (Mahar Regimental Centre, Saugor and J&K Rifles Regimental Centre, Jabalpur), Meghalaya (Assam Regimental Centre, Shillong), Uttar Pradesh (Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, Lansdowne, Kumaon Regimental Centre, Ranikhet, Rajput Regimental Centre, Fatehgarh and AMC Centre & School, Lucknow), Delhi (War Widow Home Capacity for 30 inmates located at 18/1, Aruna Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi 110057) and Tamil Nadu (War Widows Home, Chennai 600 004).
Posted by Indian ExServicemen Movement at 12:55
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Armed Forces Tribunal
Dear Members,
A copy of the GOI announcement on setting up of the Armed Forces Tribunal is given below. A brief prepared by Maj Navdeep Singh is also placed below. Both are self explanatory and important issues have been highlighted.
What is of interest to the Veterans is that Pensions and other service related grievances are also covered by the AFT and will now go before the tribunal and will hopefully get a sympathetic and much quicker hearing and cut out the long existing delays. Appeal against the judgement of the AFT will only be to the Supreme Court. What is also likely is that if the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee does not give us relief on OROP and we have to take a legal recourse , then the AFT may be our first stop.
Warm regards
Vice Admiral Harinder Singh (Retd)
President, NFDC
New Delhi: June 22, 2009
The Government has approved the appointment of following as Judicial and Administrative Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench and Various Regional Benches), in scale of pay Rs. 26,000/- (fixed) (pre revised), for a period of 4 years from the date of assumption of the post or till the age of 65 years,. Whichever is earlier:-
Judicial Members
1. Mr. Justice Janardan Sahai
2. Mr. Justice K Padmanabhan Nair (Retd)
3. Mr. Justice Shilendra Shanker Kulshrestha (Retd)
4. Mr. Justice Ghanshyam Prasad (Retd)
5. Mr. Justice Manak Lall Mohta
6. Mr. Justice AC Arumugaperumal Adityan
7. Mr. Justice Anwar Ahmad (Retd)
8. Mr. Justice Bhanwaroo Khan
Administrative Members:
1. Lt. Gen (Retd) S Pattabhiraman
2. Lt. Gen (Retd) Amrik Singh Bahia
3. Lt. Gen (Retd) Madan Gopal
4. Lt. Gen (Retd) Susheel Gupta
5. Lt. Gen (Retd) M L Naidu
6. Lt. Gen (Retd) HS Panag
7. Lt. Gen ( Retd) Thomas Mathew
8. Lt. Gen ( Retd) PR Gangadharan
9. Lt. Gen ( Retd) SS Dhillon
10. Lt. Gen (Retd) ZU Shah
11. Lt. Gen (Retd) RK Chhabra
12. Lt. Gen (Retd) NS Brar
13. Vice Adm (Retd) RF Contractor
14. Lt. Gen (Retd) BS Sisodia
15. Commodore (Retd) Mohan Phadke
The Union Cabinet gave its approval for the creation of 31 posts for the Armed Forces Tribunal on June 24, 2008 paving the way for the creation of the proposed independent adjudicating forum for dispensing cost effective and speedy justice to the armed forces personnel. The posts include 1 of Chairperson and 29 posts of members for the Principal Bench at New Delhi and 8 Regional Branches. It also includes one post of Principal Registrar at the Principal Bench.
The Principal Bench at New Delhi will have three courts and will have jurisdiction over High Courts in the State of Delhi.
Similarly, the Chandigarh and Lucknow Benches will have 3 courts each. The Chandigarh Bench will have jurisdiction over Punjab, Haryana, J&K and Himachal Pradesh. The Lucknow Bench will have jurisdiction over Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.
The other locations for the Benches with one court each will be Kolkata, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kochi, Chennai and Jaipur.
The Kolkata Bench will have jurisdiction over West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The Guwahati Bench will have jurisdiction over Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
The Mumbai Bench will have jurisdiction over Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat. While Kochi Bench will have jurisdiction over Kerala and Karnataka, Chennai Bench will look after Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The Jaipur Bench will have jurisdiction over Rajasthan.
The setting up of the Armed Forces Tribunal has fulfilled a long-felt need of the country’s three defence services. Over 9,800 cases filed by Service personnel are pending before various High Courts. The maximum number of cases numbering 2487 will be transferred to the Chandigarh Bench while 2407 will be adjudicated by the Lucknow Bench. Two thousand three hundred and six (2,306) cases are proposed to be transferred to the Delhi Principal Bench.
The Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007 which was passed by the Parliament during the Winter Session of 2007 received the assent of the President on 25th December, 2007. The Act was notified on 28th December, 2007. It provides for adjudication or trial by the tribunal of disputes and complaints with respect to commission, appointments, enrolment and conditions of service in respect of persons subject to Three Services Acts as also for appeals arising out of orders, findings or sentences of court martial held under the said Acts and for matters connected with them. The Act came into force with effect from 15th June, 2008.
The Tribunal will have original jurisdiction in service matters and appellate jurisdiction in court martial matters. Mr. Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur was appointed as the Chairman of the Tribunal. The Tribunal will consist of 1 Chairperson, 14 judicial and 15 administrative members.
The administrative members shall be officer of the rank of Major General or above in the Army or equivalent rank in the Navy or the Air Force with three years of service in that rank. JAG of three Services with at least one year of service as JAG shall also be eligible. The judicial member should be serving or retired judge of the High Court. All appointments to the Tribunal are made in consultation with the Chief Justice of India. The Tribunal has powers to punish for its contempt.
Comments by Maj Navdeep Singh
Many pejorative adjectives have been used to describe the present system of military justice in India, but does it deserve such criticism ? More than the statutes themselves, the problem perhaps is with the executors, the method of understanding the spirit behind, and the final implementation of the statutory provisions of the Army Act, 1950, Air Force Act, 1952 and Navy Act, 1957. The provisions of these Acts, though oppressive in parts, were never meant to be draconian and do have a number of inbuilt checks and balances, but of course the method of using the best of these is open to debate. So what was wrong with the system that forced the govt to bring in the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007? the one line answer echoed in legal corridors would be - ‘lack of an effective appeal’. The same sentiment was reflected by the Supreme Court in the case of Lt Col Prithi Pal Singh Bedi Vs Union of India (1982) where the Court observed that the absence of even one appeal and power to review evidence was distressing and a glaring lacuna.
Where in the world would you find a judicial system without an appeal, here in India of course. The three Acts did not contain a single provision that could be deemed akin to a judicial appeal. There was a provision of pre and post confirmation petitions but these were rarely used in a fashion more than a mere formality. No judicial authority had the jurisdiction to look into or examine the evidence on the basis of which court martial sentences were rendered or the merits of the issues involved. The High Courts and the Apex Court under the writ jurisdiction could of course intervene but only in cases where there was a flouting of statutory provisions or when the sentences rendered were particularly harsh and not commensurate with the offence. The Supreme Court further observed in Ranjit Thakur Vs Union of India (1987) that conscience shaking sentences which are irrationally disproportionate would not be immune from judicial review. The Supreme Court opined that irrationality and perversity were definite grounds wherein Courts could intervene. These shortcomings notwithstanding, it would not exactly be appropriate to say that the three military Acts are without enough checks to avoid miscarriage of justice, there are ample provisions parallel to those available under the criminal system of jurisprudence but the problem remains that unlike the criminal courts, courts martial are presided over not by judicial officers but by officers of the regular army who neither have the acumen nor the bent towards legal and judicial modalities. Moreover, all procedures finally leading to conviction by a court martial (such as Courts of Inquiry, Summary of Evidence etc) are handled by military personnel who may just follow provisions of military Acts and Rules in formal letter but not in spirit - and this makes all the difference. And this also brings us to the answer why a body of professionals such as the AFT is so very urgently required to sit in judgement and appeal over justice rendered to men and women in uniform by another set of men and women in uniform.
The military Acts of India were derivatives of similar Acts of the British and that was the basis why these Acts seemed oppressive. These were moulded as such so as to maintain a grip on discipline over the native Army. The existing Army Act of India, for example, can trace its origin to East India Company’s Mutiny Act, 1754 and the Articles of War of the late 1800s, followed by the Indian Army Act of 1911. Of course this could not be justification enough to retain provisions such as Summary Court Martial after independence or to use terms as ‘customs of war’ in these Acts leading to ambiguity of action by those who want to repress. There is no place for ‘customs’ and ambiguity in criminal jurisprudence and all provisions certainly need to be codified and brought out in black and white. Yes, there may be a difference in the quantum of punishment prescribed for offences in operational and non-operational areas and there may be operation-specific offences but all need to be put in words without leaving any scope of indistinctness in action. Other countries following contemporary systems of justice such as the UK and the USA have since long recognised the need of reducing ‘customs’ to the barest minimum and having an elaborate system of appeal, but India, despite observations by various High Courts, committees and even the Supreme Court, failed to come out of a crude grundnorm which forms the basis of the Army, Navy and Air Force Acts till date.
So how would the AFT help? Firstly, the AFT would be a forum of professionals with judicial and military background, a perfect mix to handle legal issues of the military. While the Chairperson can either be a retired Judge of the Supreme Court or a retired Chief Justice of a High Court, Judicial Members shall be former Judges of High Courts. The Administrative Members would be retired Major Generals or above of any of the three defence services. Each bench of the Tribunal shall consist of a Judicial and an Administrative Member. The Tribunal shall have the power to deal with all findings, orders and decisions of Courts Martial and related matters. As a welcome measure, the AFT has also been granted the power to release persons under military custody on bail. The AFT has also been conferred with powers of Contempt. Unlike the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), an appeal from the AFT shall lie directly with the Supreme Court.
Besides courts martial, the subject matter of the AFT shall also include service matters such as remuneration, pension, retiralbenefits, tenure, appointment, seniority, promotion, superannuation and the like. However Summary trials where dismissal is awarded or Summary Court Martial awards except where dismissal or imprisonment over three months is awarded, would not be under the ambit of the Tribunal. Transfers, postings and leave related matters shall also not be under the purview of the AFT. In case of service matters, even dependants, successors and heirs would be able to approach the Tribunal for justice.
The setting up of the AFT which is bound to bring the much needed relief to military litigants, shall also ensure handling of critical issues by former members of judiciary who would be from outside the ‘chain of command’ and therefore dealing cases with a clean slate with no biases or prejudices. They shall of course be assisted by former military officers - the administrative members, who would, with consensus, be providing important inputs resulting in what hopefully would be well-rounded judicial pronouncements meeting the aspirations of all affected. The AFT would also be in conjunction with the observations by the Supreme Court about providing a proper appellate body for courts martial. But the AFT, without in-house introspection (below) would not be an answer to the shortcomings of the system. What needs to be eliminated is the subjectivity at all levels, starting from initial stages of Inquiry ending with the Trial. The letter of law at all stages needs to be followed in spirit and not as a sheer formality, an effective system of defence for the accused needs to be put into place and senior officers in the chain of command need to be sensitised so as not to interfere in the deliverance of justice in the military. Presiding officers and officers of the JAG Branch have to be absolutely inert from slanted influences and pre-decisions at all levels.
A copy of the GOI announcement on setting up of the Armed Forces Tribunal is given below. A brief prepared by Maj Navdeep Singh is also placed below. Both are self explanatory and important issues have been highlighted.
What is of interest to the Veterans is that Pensions and other service related grievances are also covered by the AFT and will now go before the tribunal and will hopefully get a sympathetic and much quicker hearing and cut out the long existing delays. Appeal against the judgement of the AFT will only be to the Supreme Court. What is also likely is that if the Cabinet Secretary’s Committee does not give us relief on OROP and we have to take a legal recourse , then the AFT may be our first stop.
Warm regards
Vice Admiral Harinder Singh (Retd)
President, NFDC
New Delhi: June 22, 2009
The Government has approved the appointment of following as Judicial and Administrative Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench and Various Regional Benches), in scale of pay Rs. 26,000/- (fixed) (pre revised), for a period of 4 years from the date of assumption of the post or till the age of 65 years,. Whichever is earlier:-
Judicial Members
1. Mr. Justice Janardan Sahai
2. Mr. Justice K Padmanabhan Nair (Retd)
3. Mr. Justice Shilendra Shanker Kulshrestha (Retd)
4. Mr. Justice Ghanshyam Prasad (Retd)
5. Mr. Justice Manak Lall Mohta
6. Mr. Justice AC Arumugaperumal Adityan
7. Mr. Justice Anwar Ahmad (Retd)
8. Mr. Justice Bhanwaroo Khan
Administrative Members:
1. Lt. Gen (Retd) S Pattabhiraman
2. Lt. Gen (Retd) Amrik Singh Bahia
3. Lt. Gen (Retd) Madan Gopal
4. Lt. Gen (Retd) Susheel Gupta
5. Lt. Gen (Retd) M L Naidu
6. Lt. Gen (Retd) HS Panag
7. Lt. Gen ( Retd) Thomas Mathew
8. Lt. Gen ( Retd) PR Gangadharan
9. Lt. Gen ( Retd) SS Dhillon
10. Lt. Gen (Retd) ZU Shah
11. Lt. Gen (Retd) RK Chhabra
12. Lt. Gen (Retd) NS Brar
13. Vice Adm (Retd) RF Contractor
14. Lt. Gen (Retd) BS Sisodia
15. Commodore (Retd) Mohan Phadke
The Union Cabinet gave its approval for the creation of 31 posts for the Armed Forces Tribunal on June 24, 2008 paving the way for the creation of the proposed independent adjudicating forum for dispensing cost effective and speedy justice to the armed forces personnel. The posts include 1 of Chairperson and 29 posts of members for the Principal Bench at New Delhi and 8 Regional Branches. It also includes one post of Principal Registrar at the Principal Bench.
The Principal Bench at New Delhi will have three courts and will have jurisdiction over High Courts in the State of Delhi.
Similarly, the Chandigarh and Lucknow Benches will have 3 courts each. The Chandigarh Bench will have jurisdiction over Punjab, Haryana, J&K and Himachal Pradesh. The Lucknow Bench will have jurisdiction over Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.
The other locations for the Benches with one court each will be Kolkata, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kochi, Chennai and Jaipur.
The Kolkata Bench will have jurisdiction over West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The Guwahati Bench will have jurisdiction over Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
The Mumbai Bench will have jurisdiction over Maharashtra, Goa and Gujarat. While Kochi Bench will have jurisdiction over Kerala and Karnataka, Chennai Bench will look after Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. The Jaipur Bench will have jurisdiction over Rajasthan.
The setting up of the Armed Forces Tribunal has fulfilled a long-felt need of the country’s three defence services. Over 9,800 cases filed by Service personnel are pending before various High Courts. The maximum number of cases numbering 2487 will be transferred to the Chandigarh Bench while 2407 will be adjudicated by the Lucknow Bench. Two thousand three hundred and six (2,306) cases are proposed to be transferred to the Delhi Principal Bench.
The Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007 which was passed by the Parliament during the Winter Session of 2007 received the assent of the President on 25th December, 2007. The Act was notified on 28th December, 2007. It provides for adjudication or trial by the tribunal of disputes and complaints with respect to commission, appointments, enrolment and conditions of service in respect of persons subject to Three Services Acts as also for appeals arising out of orders, findings or sentences of court martial held under the said Acts and for matters connected with them. The Act came into force with effect from 15th June, 2008.
The Tribunal will have original jurisdiction in service matters and appellate jurisdiction in court martial matters. Mr. Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur was appointed as the Chairman of the Tribunal. The Tribunal will consist of 1 Chairperson, 14 judicial and 15 administrative members.
The administrative members shall be officer of the rank of Major General or above in the Army or equivalent rank in the Navy or the Air Force with three years of service in that rank. JAG of three Services with at least one year of service as JAG shall also be eligible. The judicial member should be serving or retired judge of the High Court. All appointments to the Tribunal are made in consultation with the Chief Justice of India. The Tribunal has powers to punish for its contempt.
Comments by Maj Navdeep Singh
Many pejorative adjectives have been used to describe the present system of military justice in India, but does it deserve such criticism ? More than the statutes themselves, the problem perhaps is with the executors, the method of understanding the spirit behind, and the final implementation of the statutory provisions of the Army Act, 1950, Air Force Act, 1952 and Navy Act, 1957. The provisions of these Acts, though oppressive in parts, were never meant to be draconian and do have a number of inbuilt checks and balances, but of course the method of using the best of these is open to debate. So what was wrong with the system that forced the govt to bring in the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007? the one line answer echoed in legal corridors would be - ‘lack of an effective appeal’. The same sentiment was reflected by the Supreme Court in the case of Lt Col Prithi Pal Singh Bedi Vs Union of India (1982) where the Court observed that the absence of even one appeal and power to review evidence was distressing and a glaring lacuna.
Where in the world would you find a judicial system without an appeal, here in India of course. The three Acts did not contain a single provision that could be deemed akin to a judicial appeal. There was a provision of pre and post confirmation petitions but these were rarely used in a fashion more than a mere formality. No judicial authority had the jurisdiction to look into or examine the evidence on the basis of which court martial sentences were rendered or the merits of the issues involved. The High Courts and the Apex Court under the writ jurisdiction could of course intervene but only in cases where there was a flouting of statutory provisions or when the sentences rendered were particularly harsh and not commensurate with the offence. The Supreme Court further observed in Ranjit Thakur Vs Union of India (1987) that conscience shaking sentences which are irrationally disproportionate would not be immune from judicial review. The Supreme Court opined that irrationality and perversity were definite grounds wherein Courts could intervene. These shortcomings notwithstanding, it would not exactly be appropriate to say that the three military Acts are without enough checks to avoid miscarriage of justice, there are ample provisions parallel to those available under the criminal system of jurisprudence but the problem remains that unlike the criminal courts, courts martial are presided over not by judicial officers but by officers of the regular army who neither have the acumen nor the bent towards legal and judicial modalities. Moreover, all procedures finally leading to conviction by a court martial (such as Courts of Inquiry, Summary of Evidence etc) are handled by military personnel who may just follow provisions of military Acts and Rules in formal letter but not in spirit - and this makes all the difference. And this also brings us to the answer why a body of professionals such as the AFT is so very urgently required to sit in judgement and appeal over justice rendered to men and women in uniform by another set of men and women in uniform.
The military Acts of India were derivatives of similar Acts of the British and that was the basis why these Acts seemed oppressive. These were moulded as such so as to maintain a grip on discipline over the native Army. The existing Army Act of India, for example, can trace its origin to East India Company’s Mutiny Act, 1754 and the Articles of War of the late 1800s, followed by the Indian Army Act of 1911. Of course this could not be justification enough to retain provisions such as Summary Court Martial after independence or to use terms as ‘customs of war’ in these Acts leading to ambiguity of action by those who want to repress. There is no place for ‘customs’ and ambiguity in criminal jurisprudence and all provisions certainly need to be codified and brought out in black and white. Yes, there may be a difference in the quantum of punishment prescribed for offences in operational and non-operational areas and there may be operation-specific offences but all need to be put in words without leaving any scope of indistinctness in action. Other countries following contemporary systems of justice such as the UK and the USA have since long recognised the need of reducing ‘customs’ to the barest minimum and having an elaborate system of appeal, but India, despite observations by various High Courts, committees and even the Supreme Court, failed to come out of a crude grundnorm which forms the basis of the Army, Navy and Air Force Acts till date.
So how would the AFT help? Firstly, the AFT would be a forum of professionals with judicial and military background, a perfect mix to handle legal issues of the military. While the Chairperson can either be a retired Judge of the Supreme Court or a retired Chief Justice of a High Court, Judicial Members shall be former Judges of High Courts. The Administrative Members would be retired Major Generals or above of any of the three defence services. Each bench of the Tribunal shall consist of a Judicial and an Administrative Member. The Tribunal shall have the power to deal with all findings, orders and decisions of Courts Martial and related matters. As a welcome measure, the AFT has also been granted the power to release persons under military custody on bail. The AFT has also been conferred with powers of Contempt. Unlike the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), an appeal from the AFT shall lie directly with the Supreme Court.
Besides courts martial, the subject matter of the AFT shall also include service matters such as remuneration, pension, retiralbenefits, tenure, appointment, seniority, promotion, superannuation and the like. However Summary trials where dismissal is awarded or Summary Court Martial awards except where dismissal or imprisonment over three months is awarded, would not be under the ambit of the Tribunal. Transfers, postings and leave related matters shall also not be under the purview of the AFT. In case of service matters, even dependants, successors and heirs would be able to approach the Tribunal for justice.
The setting up of the AFT which is bound to bring the much needed relief to military litigants, shall also ensure handling of critical issues by former members of judiciary who would be from outside the ‘chain of command’ and therefore dealing cases with a clean slate with no biases or prejudices. They shall of course be assisted by former military officers - the administrative members, who would, with consensus, be providing important inputs resulting in what hopefully would be well-rounded judicial pronouncements meeting the aspirations of all affected. The AFT would also be in conjunction with the observations by the Supreme Court about providing a proper appellate body for courts martial. But the AFT, without in-house introspection (below) would not be an answer to the shortcomings of the system. What needs to be eliminated is the subjectivity at all levels, starting from initial stages of Inquiry ending with the Trial. The letter of law at all stages needs to be followed in spirit and not as a sheer formality, an effective system of defence for the accused needs to be put into place and senior officers in the chain of command need to be sensitised so as not to interfere in the deliverance of justice in the military. Presiding officers and officers of the JAG Branch have to be absolutely inert from slanted influences and pre-decisions at all levels.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Brief for OROP
Dear Members,
1. We have kept you briefed on the progress with our quest for OROP and in our last communication informed you of the inclusion of our demand in the President address to the Parliament.
2. After some discussion, all the major organisations fighting for OROP mutually decided to pool their resources and forward a single consolidated paper for consideration by the Cabinet Secretary Committee. This was co-ordinated by the IESL and we agreed to be one of the members and RAdm Sushil Ramsay was nominated as our representative on this committee. One of the other major issues was to safeguard the rights of the PBOR, who must come first, before us, as per our ethos and this was always kept in mind.
3. The committee received and looked into a large number of proposals that had been received by various orgs. RAdm Ramsay generally co-ordinated the examination of the proposal and has in fact in due course prepared the paper, presented the same before the entire committee and the Presidents of the participating Organisations. There were generous contributions by MajGen Radhakrsinan and some others. The final Presentation was very well attended and more importantly generated very constructive and meaningful discussions. All constructive and rational suggestions were thereafter incorporated in the final proposal.
4. The three Tables agreed to, are quite explicit to indicate the basis for formulation of our projections which were finalised with a view to arrive at a consensus. In addition we have included request for resolution of another anomaly for the pre 01 Jan 2006 Pensioners relating to Disability Pension/War Injury Pension/Special Family Pension/Liberalised Family Pension/Dependent Pension(Special), etc, which have emerged out of recent GOI notifications of 04 and 05 May 2006.
5. At the conclusion of the deliberations it was agreed to forward the attached proposal to the GOI for consideration. It may be added that the service headquarters were also requested and have forwarded a proposal. We feel that our proposal is somewhat better than the one forwarded by them and we all owe thanks to RAdm S Ramsay for the tremendous amount of effort put in and a job well done.
6. I , may conclude by saying that it is a very difficult task to synthesise and harmonise the views and aspirations of a large number of the Veterans of various vintages, issues and differently impacted by various Pay Commissions. We have arrived at an agreed consensus and that should be accepted as the most viable solution. Am sure, there will be some who will take issue but it is a corporate decision and is best left at that. We have, as a major milestone, managed consensus amongst all the major stakeholders and that's good too.
Recommended Pension Tables
Vice Admiral Harinder Singh (Retd)
President NFDC
1. We have kept you briefed on the progress with our quest for OROP and in our last communication informed you of the inclusion of our demand in the President address to the Parliament.
2. After some discussion, all the major organisations fighting for OROP mutually decided to pool their resources and forward a single consolidated paper for consideration by the Cabinet Secretary Committee. This was co-ordinated by the IESL and we agreed to be one of the members and RAdm Sushil Ramsay was nominated as our representative on this committee. One of the other major issues was to safeguard the rights of the PBOR, who must come first, before us, as per our ethos and this was always kept in mind.
3. The committee received and looked into a large number of proposals that had been received by various orgs. RAdm Ramsay generally co-ordinated the examination of the proposal and has in fact in due course prepared the paper, presented the same before the entire committee and the Presidents of the participating Organisations. There were generous contributions by MajGen Radhakrsinan and some others. The final Presentation was very well attended and more importantly generated very constructive and meaningful discussions. All constructive and rational suggestions were thereafter incorporated in the final proposal.
4. The three Tables agreed to, are quite explicit to indicate the basis for formulation of our projections which were finalised with a view to arrive at a consensus. In addition we have included request for resolution of another anomaly for the pre 01 Jan 2006 Pensioners relating to Disability Pension/War Injury Pension/Special Family Pension/Liberalised Family Pension/Dependent Pension(Special), etc, which have emerged out of recent GOI notifications of 04 and 05 May 2006.
5. At the conclusion of the deliberations it was agreed to forward the attached proposal to the GOI for consideration. It may be added that the service headquarters were also requested and have forwarded a proposal. We feel that our proposal is somewhat better than the one forwarded by them and we all owe thanks to RAdm S Ramsay for the tremendous amount of effort put in and a job well done.
6. I , may conclude by saying that it is a very difficult task to synthesise and harmonise the views and aspirations of a large number of the Veterans of various vintages, issues and differently impacted by various Pay Commissions. We have arrived at an agreed consensus and that should be accepted as the most viable solution. Am sure, there will be some who will take issue but it is a corporate decision and is best left at that. We have, as a major milestone, managed consensus amongst all the major stakeholders and that's good too.
Recommended Pension Tables
Vice Admiral Harinder Singh (Retd)
President NFDC
Friday, May 15, 2009
GOI MOD Letters 16(6)/2008/(1)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 04 May 09 and 16(6)/2008/(2)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 05 May 09
Download the original attachment
Ref (v): Authority- GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (1))/
D(Pension/Policy) dated 04th May 2009
Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Rationalisation of Casualty Pensionary Awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) retired/ discharged/died/invalided out from service prior to 01.01.2006
1. I am directed to refer this Ministry’s letter No 17(4)/ 2008 (1)/ D(Pen/ Policy) dated 11.11.2008 implementing Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the modification of rates of disability/ war injury/special/ liberalized family pensionary awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) retired/discharged/died/ invalided out from service prior to 01.01.2006 as under:-
2. Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension.
2.1 Service Element of Disbility/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension. Revised service element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension shall continue to be paid in terms of para 4.1 and para 5 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008(1)/ D( Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008.
2.2 Disability/ Element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability Pension. The revised rates of disability element for 100% disability on account of invalidment/ retirement/ discharge are given below. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100 %, the amount shall be proportionately reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in the PPO.
Amount p.m.
i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services, MNS,TA and DSC
Rs. 5,880/-
ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 4,300/-
iii) Other ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 3,510/-
Note: Where only disability element is drawn in isolation, the above rates will not be applicable and such cases will be regulated in terms of para 9. 1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008.
2.3 War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. In case of Armed Forces pensioners who were invalided out/ retired/ discharged from service prior to 1.1.2006 and are in receipt of War Injury element of War Injury Pension as on
1-1-2006, the revised rates of War Injury element for 100% disability are as given below. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100%, the amount shall be proportionally reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in PPO. Where the War Injury element revised in terms of para 9 read with para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008, is higher than the amount of War Injury element calculated as above, the same (higher consolidated amount) will be treated as revised War Injury element with effect from 1.1.2006.
Amount p.m.
i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services, MNS, TA and DSC
Rs. 11,760/-
ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 8,600/-
iii) Other ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 7,020/-
3. Constant Attendance Allowance. With effect from 1.1.2006 Constant Attendance Allowance, where payable, shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hitherto fore at a uniform rate of Rs. 3,000/-pm, irrespective of the rank. Further this rate to be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised Pay Band goes up by 50%.
4. Special / Liberalised Family Pension / Dependent Pension (special) / Dependent Pension (liberalised).
4.1 Families in receipt of Special Family Pension, Liberalised Family Pension, Dependent Pension (special), Dependent Pension (liberalised)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBOR including NCs(E)), shall draw revised family pension with effect from 1.1.2006 in terms of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.08.
4.2 The amount of revised consolidated special family pension, granted to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
4.3 The amount of revised consolidated liberalized family pension, granted to the child/ children of Armed Force personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
5. Dearness Relief. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2008-P&PW (G) dated 12.9.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter.
6. All Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) handling disbursement of pension to the Defence pensioners are hereby authorised to pay revised disability/ liberalized disability/ war injury pension/ special/ liberalized family pension to the existing pensioners under these orders without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities. However, PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad will issue further suitable implementation instructions while circulating these orders to all the PDAs concerned. Action as prescribed in para 16.4 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008 may also be taken by the PDAs in the cases covered under these orders.
7. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.1527/09/D(Fin/Pen) dated 27.4.2009.
Yours faithfully
( Harbans Singh)
Director (Pen/Policy)
Ref (v): Authority- GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (2)) / D(Pension/
Policy) dated 05th May 2009.
Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations
Of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of provisions
regulating Pensionary Awards relating to Disability Pension/
War Injury Pension/ Special Family Pension/ Liberalized
Family Pension/ Dependent Pension(special)/ Dependent
Pension(liberalized/ Special Invalid Pension for the Armed
Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR)
retiring/discharged / invalided out from service or dying in
harness on or after 01.01. 2006 .
Sir ,
The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commision, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the notification, to the extent specified in this letter, in the rules/ regulations concerning above mentioned pensionary benefits of the Commissioned Officers(including MNS, Territorial Army Officers, Emergency Commissioned Officers, Short Service Commissioned Officers) and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) of the three services including NCs (E) of Air Force, Defence Security Corps and the Territorial Army (hereinafter collectively referred to as Armed Forces personnel).
The provisions of the pension regulations for the three Services and
various Service instructions/ Government orders, which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, will remain unchanged.
Date of Effect.
2.1 The provisions of this letter shall apply to the Armed Forces personnel who were in service on 1.1.2006 or joined / join service thereafter unless otherwise specified in this letter.
2.2 Where pension has already been sanctioned provisionally or otherwise in cases occurring on or after 1.1.2006, the same would be revised in terms of these orders. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned under the pre- revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these orders, the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner.
Reckonable Emoluments.
3.1 Unless otherwise specified in this letter, the term ‘Reckonable Emoluments’ shall mean:
For Officers. Pay means pay in pay band, grade pay , military
service pay and non-practicising allowance where applicable, last drawn by the officer(ref SAI 2/S/08, SNI 2/S/08 and SAFI 2/S/08).
For Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR). Pay means pay in pay band, grade pay, military service pay, ‘X’ Group pay where applicable and Classification allowance, if any, last drawn by the individual. ( ref SAI 1/S/08, SNI 1/S/08 and SAFI 1/S/08).
3.2 In the case of individuals who opt/ opted to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scales beyond 31.12.2005 and remain/ remained in that scale till retirement /discharge/ invalidment/ death in harness, pension/ family pension and retirement/ death gratuity shall be regulated in terms of para 3.4 of Ministry of Defence letter no 17(4)/2008 (2)/D (Pen/Policy) dt 12.11.2008.
4. War Injury Pension/ Liberalised Family Pension shall also be admissible to such Armed Forces personnel who die or are invalided out of service on sustaining injury during trials of indigenously developed weapon system and ammunition.
5. Special/ Invalid Pension
5.1 Special Pension to PBOR. The minimum service required for grant of special pension shall continue to be 10 years in the case of Combatants and 15 years in the case of NCs (E). Where the service is less than 10 years in the case of Combatants and less than 15 years in the case of NCs (E), special gratuity will continue to be admissible.
5.2 Invalid Pension. The minimum service required for grant of Invalid pension will continue to be 10 years and shall be computed as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter dated 12.11.2008. Where service is less than 10 years, invalid gratuity will be admissible.
6. Disability/ War Injury/ Liberalised Disabilty Pension on Inavalidment.
6.1 As hithertofore, disability/ war injury/ liberalised disability pension in invalidment cases will consist of service element and disability/ war injury element and shall continue to be admissible under the provisions laid down in para 7, 10 and 12 of this Ministry’s letter no 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 respectively, subject to the amount to be arrived at in the manner and at the rates specified in the succeeding paras.
6.2 Service Element of Disability/Liberalised Disability/War Injury Pension. The amount vof service element shall be equal to retiring/ service pension determined as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008 (2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated12.11.2008 subject to minimum of Rs 3,500/- per month. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service having been actually rendered for earning this element, if otherwise admissible.
6.3 Disability Element of Disability Pension/ Liberalized Disability Pension. The rates of disability element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be 30% of emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs 3,100/- per month for 100% disability, For disability less than 100%, it shall be reduced proportionately. In cases of disability pension where permanent disability is not less than 60% the disability pension (i.e. total of service elements plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs 7,000/- per month.
6.4 War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. The rates of war injury element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be equal to the reckonable emoluments last drawn which would be proportionately reduced where disability is less than 100%. However, in no case aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed the emoluments last drawn.
6.5 The provisions of para 7.2 of this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 for reckoning of disability or functional incapacity shall continue for the purpose of computing disability element/ war injury element.
7. Disability/ War Injury Element/ Liberalised Disability Element on Retirement/ Discharge.
7.1 Disability element/ war injury element/ liberalised disability element on retirement/ discharge from service shall continue to be regulated under the provisions of para 8, 11 and 12 respectively of this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 at the rates given below:
(a) Disability element/ liberalised disability element shall be admissible at the rate mentioned in para 6.3 above; and
(b) War injury element shall be admissible @ 60% of reckonable
emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs.6,200/-per month for
100% disability. For disability of less than 100%, the war injury element
shall be proportionately reduced.
7.2 Retiring/ Service pension or retiring/ service gratuity, as admissible, will be paid in addition to disability element/ war injury element from the date of retirement/ discharge.
7.3 The aggregate of service element and liberalized disability element shall not be less than 80% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn.
7.4 However, in no case the aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed emoluments last drawn.
8. Constant Attendance Allowance. Constant Attendance Allowance shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hithertofore. However, it shall be admissible at a uniform rate of Rs.3,000/- per month, irrespective of the rank. Further this rate be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay band goes up by 50%.
9. Special/ Liberalised Family Pension/ Dependent Pension (special)/ Dependent Pension (liberalised).
9.1 Special family pension, liberalised family pension, dependent pension (special),dependent pension (liberalized)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBORs including NCs(E)), shall continue to be regulated at the rates and under the conditions laid down in this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001 subject to the reckonable emoluments as defined under para 3 of this Ministry’s letter no. 17(4)/ 2008(2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 12.11.2008.
9.2 The amount of special family pension admissible to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
9.3 The amount of liberalized family pension, admissible to the child/ children of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4.1 and 6.2 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
10. Rounding off of Pensionary Awards. The amount of various pensionary awards admissible as per this letter shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee by Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs).
11. Minimum/ Maximum Pension. If the amount of any monthly pension (excluding Constant Attendance Allowance) admissible under the provisions of this letter works out to less than Rs. 3,500/- pm, it shall be stepped up to
Rs. 3,500/- pm and authorised for payment at this rate. Disability element shall not be taken into account for the purpose of stepping up of service element to the minimum level of Rs. 3,500/- pm. There will be no maximum ceiling on the amount of pension determined under these orders.
12. Dearness Relief. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum no. 42/ 2/ 2008-P&PW(G) dated 12.09.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter.
13. Procedure for sanction of Revised Pension in respect of those already retired. The procedure for revision of pensionary awards as per provisions of this letter, in respect of Armed Forces personnel who have already retired/ discharged/ invalided out/ died on or after 1.1.2006 and in whose cases pensionary benefits at pre-revised rates have already been notified, the record offices concerned in case of PBORs and CDA(O), Pune/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai/ AFCAO, New Delhi, as the case may be , in respect of Commissioned Officers, will initiate and forward revised LPC-cum-data sheet as prescribed by PCDA(Pensions), Allahabad to their respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs) for issue of corrigendum PPOs notifying the revised pensionary awards. Further implementation instruction to all concerned will be issued by PCDA (Pensions), Allahabad immediately on receipt of these orders.
14. Relevant provisions of the Pension Regulations for the three Services will be amended in due course.
15. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. 1527/ 09/ D(Fin/Pen) dated 27.4.2009.
Yours faithfully
(Harbans Singh)
Ref (v): Authority- GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (1))/
D(Pension/Policy) dated 04th May 2009
Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission-Rationalisation of Casualty Pensionary Awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) retired/ discharged/died/invalided out from service prior to 01.01.2006
1. I am directed to refer this Ministry’s letter No 17(4)/ 2008 (1)/ D(Pen/ Policy) dated 11.11.2008 implementing Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the modification of rates of disability/ war injury/special/ liberalized family pensionary awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) retired/discharged/died/ invalided out from service prior to 01.01.2006 as under:-
2. Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension.
2.1 Service Element of Disbility/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension. Revised service element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension shall continue to be paid in terms of para 4.1 and para 5 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008(1)/ D( Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008.
2.2 Disability/ Element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability Pension. The revised rates of disability element for 100% disability on account of invalidment/ retirement/ discharge are given below. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100 %, the amount shall be proportionately reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in the PPO.
Amount p.m.
i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services, MNS,TA and DSC
Rs. 5,880/-
ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 4,300/-
iii) Other ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 3,510/-
Note: Where only disability element is drawn in isolation, the above rates will not be applicable and such cases will be regulated in terms of para 9. 1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008.
2.3 War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. In case of Armed Forces pensioners who were invalided out/ retired/ discharged from service prior to 1.1.2006 and are in receipt of War Injury element of War Injury Pension as on
1-1-2006, the revised rates of War Injury element for 100% disability are as given below. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100%, the amount shall be proportionally reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in PPO. Where the War Injury element revised in terms of para 9 read with para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008, is higher than the amount of War Injury element calculated as above, the same (higher consolidated amount) will be treated as revised War Injury element with effect from 1.1.2006.
Amount p.m.
i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services, MNS, TA and DSC
Rs. 11,760/-
ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 8,600/-
iii) Other ranks of the three Services, TA and DSC
Rs. 7,020/-
3. Constant Attendance Allowance. With effect from 1.1.2006 Constant Attendance Allowance, where payable, shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hitherto fore at a uniform rate of Rs. 3,000/-pm, irrespective of the rank. Further this rate to be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised Pay Band goes up by 50%.
4. Special / Liberalised Family Pension / Dependent Pension (special) / Dependent Pension (liberalised).
4.1 Families in receipt of Special Family Pension, Liberalised Family Pension, Dependent Pension (special), Dependent Pension (liberalised)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBOR including NCs(E)), shall draw revised family pension with effect from 1.1.2006 in terms of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.08.
4.2 The amount of revised consolidated special family pension, granted to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
4.3 The amount of revised consolidated liberalized family pension, granted to the child/ children of Armed Force personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
5. Dearness Relief. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2008-P&PW (G) dated 12.9.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter.
6. All Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) handling disbursement of pension to the Defence pensioners are hereby authorised to pay revised disability/ liberalized disability/ war injury pension/ special/ liberalized family pension to the existing pensioners under these orders without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities. However, PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad will issue further suitable implementation instructions while circulating these orders to all the PDAs concerned. Action as prescribed in para 16.4 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.11.2008 may also be taken by the PDAs in the cases covered under these orders.
7. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.1527/09/D(Fin/Pen) dated 27.4.2009.
Yours faithfully
( Harbans Singh)
Director (Pen/Policy)
Ref (v): Authority- GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (2)) / D(Pension/
Policy) dated 05th May 2009.
Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations
Of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of provisions
regulating Pensionary Awards relating to Disability Pension/
War Injury Pension/ Special Family Pension/ Liberalized
Family Pension/ Dependent Pension(special)/ Dependent
Pension(liberalized/ Special Invalid Pension for the Armed
Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR)
retiring/discharged / invalided out from service or dying in
harness on or after 01.01. 2006 .
Sir ,
The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commision, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the notification, to the extent specified in this letter, in the rules/ regulations concerning above mentioned pensionary benefits of the Commissioned Officers(including MNS, Territorial Army Officers, Emergency Commissioned Officers, Short Service Commissioned Officers) and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) of the three services including NCs (E) of Air Force, Defence Security Corps and the Territorial Army (hereinafter collectively referred to as Armed Forces personnel).
The provisions of the pension regulations for the three Services and
various Service instructions/ Government orders, which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, will remain unchanged.
Date of Effect.
2.1 The provisions of this letter shall apply to the Armed Forces personnel who were in service on 1.1.2006 or joined / join service thereafter unless otherwise specified in this letter.
2.2 Where pension has already been sanctioned provisionally or otherwise in cases occurring on or after 1.1.2006, the same would be revised in terms of these orders. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned under the pre- revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these orders, the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner.
Reckonable Emoluments.
3.1 Unless otherwise specified in this letter, the term ‘Reckonable Emoluments’ shall mean:
For Officers. Pay means pay in pay band, grade pay , military
service pay and non-practicising allowance where applicable, last drawn by the officer(ref SAI 2/S/08, SNI 2/S/08 and SAFI 2/S/08).
For Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR). Pay means pay in pay band, grade pay, military service pay, ‘X’ Group pay where applicable and Classification allowance, if any, last drawn by the individual. ( ref SAI 1/S/08, SNI 1/S/08 and SAFI 1/S/08).
3.2 In the case of individuals who opt/ opted to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scales beyond 31.12.2005 and remain/ remained in that scale till retirement /discharge/ invalidment/ death in harness, pension/ family pension and retirement/ death gratuity shall be regulated in terms of para 3.4 of Ministry of Defence letter no 17(4)/2008 (2)/D (Pen/Policy) dt 12.11.2008.
4. War Injury Pension/ Liberalised Family Pension shall also be admissible to such Armed Forces personnel who die or are invalided out of service on sustaining injury during trials of indigenously developed weapon system and ammunition.
5. Special/ Invalid Pension
5.1 Special Pension to PBOR. The minimum service required for grant of special pension shall continue to be 10 years in the case of Combatants and 15 years in the case of NCs (E). Where the service is less than 10 years in the case of Combatants and less than 15 years in the case of NCs (E), special gratuity will continue to be admissible.
5.2 Invalid Pension. The minimum service required for grant of Invalid pension will continue to be 10 years and shall be computed as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter dated 12.11.2008. Where service is less than 10 years, invalid gratuity will be admissible.
6. Disability/ War Injury/ Liberalised Disabilty Pension on Inavalidment.
6.1 As hithertofore, disability/ war injury/ liberalised disability pension in invalidment cases will consist of service element and disability/ war injury element and shall continue to be admissible under the provisions laid down in para 7, 10 and 12 of this Ministry’s letter no 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 respectively, subject to the amount to be arrived at in the manner and at the rates specified in the succeeding paras.
6.2 Service Element of Disability/Liberalised Disability/War Injury Pension. The amount vof service element shall be equal to retiring/ service pension determined as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008 (2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated12.11.2008 subject to minimum of Rs 3,500/- per month. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service having been actually rendered for earning this element, if otherwise admissible.
6.3 Disability Element of Disability Pension/ Liberalized Disability Pension. The rates of disability element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be 30% of emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs 3,100/- per month for 100% disability, For disability less than 100%, it shall be reduced proportionately. In cases of disability pension where permanent disability is not less than 60% the disability pension (i.e. total of service elements plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs 7,000/- per month.
6.4 War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. The rates of war injury element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be equal to the reckonable emoluments last drawn which would be proportionately reduced where disability is less than 100%. However, in no case aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed the emoluments last drawn.
6.5 The provisions of para 7.2 of this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 for reckoning of disability or functional incapacity shall continue for the purpose of computing disability element/ war injury element.
7. Disability/ War Injury Element/ Liberalised Disability Element on Retirement/ Discharge.
7.1 Disability element/ war injury element/ liberalised disability element on retirement/ discharge from service shall continue to be regulated under the provisions of para 8, 11 and 12 respectively of this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31.1.2001 at the rates given below:
(a) Disability element/ liberalised disability element shall be admissible at the rate mentioned in para 6.3 above; and
(b) War injury element shall be admissible @ 60% of reckonable
emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs.6,200/-per month for
100% disability. For disability of less than 100%, the war injury element
shall be proportionately reduced.
7.2 Retiring/ Service pension or retiring/ service gratuity, as admissible, will be paid in addition to disability element/ war injury element from the date of retirement/ discharge.
7.3 The aggregate of service element and liberalized disability element shall not be less than 80% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn.
7.4 However, in no case the aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed emoluments last drawn.
8. Constant Attendance Allowance. Constant Attendance Allowance shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hithertofore. However, it shall be admissible at a uniform rate of Rs.3,000/- per month, irrespective of the rank. Further this rate be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay band goes up by 50%.
9. Special/ Liberalised Family Pension/ Dependent Pension (special)/ Dependent Pension (liberalised).
9.1 Special family pension, liberalised family pension, dependent pension (special),dependent pension (liberalized)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBORs including NCs(E)), shall continue to be regulated at the rates and under the conditions laid down in this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001 subject to the reckonable emoluments as defined under para 3 of this Ministry’s letter no. 17(4)/ 2008(2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 12.11.2008.
9.2 The amount of special family pension admissible to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
9.3 The amount of liberalized family pension, admissible to the child/ children of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4.1 and 6.2 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1.2001, will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 7,000/- per month.
10. Rounding off of Pensionary Awards. The amount of various pensionary awards admissible as per this letter shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee by Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs).
11. Minimum/ Maximum Pension. If the amount of any monthly pension (excluding Constant Attendance Allowance) admissible under the provisions of this letter works out to less than Rs. 3,500/- pm, it shall be stepped up to
Rs. 3,500/- pm and authorised for payment at this rate. Disability element shall not be taken into account for the purpose of stepping up of service element to the minimum level of Rs. 3,500/- pm. There will be no maximum ceiling on the amount of pension determined under these orders.
12. Dearness Relief. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum no. 42/ 2/ 2008-P&PW(G) dated 12.09.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter.
13. Procedure for sanction of Revised Pension in respect of those already retired. The procedure for revision of pensionary awards as per provisions of this letter, in respect of Armed Forces personnel who have already retired/ discharged/ invalided out/ died on or after 1.1.2006 and in whose cases pensionary benefits at pre-revised rates have already been notified, the record offices concerned in case of PBORs and CDA(O), Pune/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai/ AFCAO, New Delhi, as the case may be , in respect of Commissioned Officers, will initiate and forward revised LPC-cum-data sheet as prescribed by PCDA(Pensions), Allahabad to their respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs) for issue of corrigendum PPOs notifying the revised pensionary awards. Further implementation instruction to all concerned will be issued by PCDA (Pensions), Allahabad immediately on receipt of these orders.
14. Relevant provisions of the Pension Regulations for the three Services will be amended in due course.
15. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. 1527/ 09/ D(Fin/Pen) dated 27.4.2009.
Yours faithfully
(Harbans Singh)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Indian Naval Galleries Link
Indian Navy gallery on Navy's website and you can view the images at;
DGR Guide Book 2009 Link below
DGR Guide Book 2009 containing detailed information on various resettlement and welfare schemes being extended to the ex-servicemen and their families by the Central and State Govts, details of War Memorial Hostels in States/UTs, Sainik Rest Houses, Cash Grants to Gallantry and Distinguished Award Winners and important telephone numbers has been hosted on the naval website IRFC. The information can be accessed by logging on to and connecting to retired page.
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